Tar Sailor

  1. Tar Sailor Definition
  2. Tar Sailor
  3. Jack Tar Sailor Suits
  4. Define Jack Tar
  1. Tar (n.2) also Jack Tar, 'sailor,' 1670s, probably a special use of tar (n.1), which stuff was a staple for waterproofing aboard old ships (sailors also being jocularly called knights of the tarbrush); or possibly a shortened form of tarpaulin, which was recorded as a nickname for a sailor in 1640s, from the tarpaulin garments they wore.
  2. Jack Tar (also Jacktar, Jack-tar or Tar) is a common English term originally used to refer to seamen of the Merchant or Royal Navy, particularly during the period of the British Empire.
  3. Updated August 24, 2009 Introduction U.S. Immigration officials did not regulate the presence of alien vessel crewmen in the U.S. Vessel crew lists for the Great Lakes are available for the 1920s to 1970s for selected ports, and are part of Record Group (RG) 85, Records of the Immigration and Naturalization Service.
  4. Sailor cheers run Sailor from Costa Rica Sailor gets deserter brought back Sailor is in mountain lake briefly Sailor pinching prostitute’s bottom Sailor putting scoundrel up Sailor's expression of gratitude, reaching harbour at last Sailor, colloquially Salt Sea dog Sea salt Seafarer Sealant Sealer's stuff Seaman Seaman army commander finally.

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1 a: a dark brown or black bituminous usually odorous viscous liquid obtained by destructive distillation of organic material (such as wood, coal, or peat).

Jack - Tar

Sailor`s Knots & Ropework

Marlinspike Seamanship and Tools

Please have a look at sailor`s rope work made according to old seafaring traditions. On this site you will find examples of sailor`s tools and how those were used in daily work.

Want to know what Flemish Eyes, Pointings, Ringbolt-Hitchings or Cockscombings are and what they are needed for?

Want to see how Jack Tar once skilfully tied bellropes for the ships bell or beckets for his sea chest which held his personal belongings?
Then step aboard and get an impression of things a sailor could do from cordage and take a look at antique tools as there are the Fid, the Marlinspike, the Serving Mallet and Grease Horn, just to name a few.

Before setting sails a few facts about myself:
Karl Bareuther, born in 1939,
coalminer`s apprentice from 1955 to 1958.

After reading the following in Herman Melville, White-Jacket:
'Indeed, from a frigate`s crew might be called out men of all callings and vocations, from a backslidden parson to a broken-down comedian. The navy is the asylum for the perverse, the home of the unfortunate. Here the sons of adversety meet the children of calamity, and here the children of calamity meet the offspring of sin. Bankrupt brokers, boot-blacks, blacklegs and blacksmith here assemble together; and castaway tinkers, watch-makerst, quill-drivers, cobblers, doctors, farmers and lawyers compare past experiences and talk of old times.'
Adventurous I thought, and joined the then growing German Navy in 1960.
Being in the navy I became acquainted with sailor`s knots, marlinespike seamanship and also with some fancy knots. Especially the fancy knots one had to know for tieing his personal boatswain`s call. Not only knotwork and marlinespike seamanship held a great fascination for me but also the plain beauty, the perfection and wonderful patina of tools which often were made of lignum vitea soon captivated me.
Wherever I met an old shellback or retired rigger I made him show me knots that were new to me and if I found sailor`s ropework in German museums or abroad I tried to copie with growing success.
At that time, more than forty years ago, I started also collecting maritime tools; to be moreprecise: tools used by sailors, sailmakers and riggers.
I somehow made finds in many seaports and acquired tools and ropework in shipyards and antique shops ashore. What I accumulated in all those years from all over the world was a museums quality collection of maritime tools of the trades.

Soon after the supply ship I was privileged to command for five years was decommissioned, I retired from the German Navy after having served for thirty-five years. I took a few things of what a life at sea had once taught me and what I enthusiastically had develloped with me back home as a great and wonderful pastime:Knot tying, marlinespike seamanship and fancy work and a handsome collection of maritime tools, that later on was to be exhibited in numerous maritime and heritage museums in Germany and abroad. (see 'exhibitions')
At last, my collection found a safe haven on the museums vessel 'Rickmer Rickmers' in Germanies famous seaport of Hamburg. My thanks go to the 'Rickmer Rickmers' foundation for displaying those things with loving care, which once were used by sailors of many nations aboard sailing vessels like this since long ago retired square-rigger.

Work upon rigging

Once a vessel was supplied with cordage, the rope was prepared for the rigging by riggers of the shipyards. At sea it was the sailor`s responsibility to care for it and to carry out all of the required repairs. Frequent control and maintenance of the standing and running rigging was to be done scrupulously to ensure the safety of ship and crew. As a prerequisite for maintenance and repairs sailors had to be familiar with different kinds of splices and quite a number of special knots. Likewise, sailors had to master a manifold of techniques in order to handle the ropes, e.g. making foxes, baggywrinkle, sennits, grommets, sea gaskets, selvagee strops and the like. Most important was to know the service of rope as a protection against chafe and wetness.

Work on deck and in the rigging, like hoisting and shortening sails as well as loading and unloading the ship in ports ,required knowledge and mastery of numerous knots.

Bends and Hitches:
'Our forefathers devised various bends, hitches and knots as a means of quickly making fast a rope so that it would hold under strain and yet could be cast off easily when required. These must be learnt by every seaman before every before he can be of use to his ship'. Admiralty Manual of Seamanship Vol.I 1951

About Sailors` Knots
'The word 'knot' has two meanings which should be carefully distinguished from each other. In its most general sense, a knot is any fastening made by interweaving cordage. Thus the term is generic, and includes the several varieties or species of knots, such as the bend, the hitch, and the knot in its more limited and specific sense. The three chief varieties of knots (in general sense of the term) may be defined as follows:
1. BEND. A method of joining the ends of two ropes, or (as the sailors say) of bending two ropes together (e.g. the sheet bend).
2. HITCH. A method of securing a rope to a spar or other object (e.g. the clove hitch), or to another rope (e.g. the rolling hitch).
3. KNOT. A method of forming a knob in a rope (e.g. the overhand knot or the Matthew Walker knot); or forming a loop or noose in a rope (e.g. the bowline knot or the running knot).
Cyrus Lawrence Day, Sailors`Knots, London 1936

Knots have been around mankind within living memory, sailor`s knots apparently since man dared to explore the world beyond the horizon by buoyant craft. The climax in sailor`s knots and 'knot art', therefore including the often elaborate fancy knots, was reached in the great age of sail from the 18th century to about 1900. How many knots a sailor needed to know for carrying out his dayly work onboard a sailing vessel is not recorded exactly in any book of seamanship. Counting the knots a sailor required for his routine work, splicing included, might add up to about thirty 'knots'.

With the great sailing-ships increasingly etched out of the oceans by machine-powered ships also began the fading of knowledge on marlinspike seamanship and fancy work among sailors. Modern shipping with its ever faster propulsions meant ever shorter voyages and therefore a diminishing leisure-time which had to be filled with activities. Moreover, recreational facilities like on-board-libraries, radio, films and TV made sailors change their behavior and little by little banished the once so contemplative sailor`s folk art of rope and string from the focs`les. In our time a few sailing vessels still sail the oceans and enthusiastic ship lovers gather in museum harbours restoring their ships with loving care and rig them in the old sailors way. .

This may contribute to keeping up a little of seamanship like it was known in the great age of sail, particularly the handling of cordage and sailor`s tools.

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tar 1

1. A dark, oily, viscous material, consisting mainly of hydrocarbons, produced by the destructive distillation of organic substances such as wood, coal, or peat.
3. A solid residue of tobacco smoke containing byproducts of combustion.
tr.v.tarred, tar·ring, tars
Idioms: tar and feather
1. To punish (a person) by covering with tar and feathers.
2. To criticize severely and devastatingly; excoriate.
tarred with the same brush
Considered or described as having the same faults or bad qualities.
[Middle English, from Old English teru; see deru- in Indo-European roots.]

tar 2

[Possibly short for tarpaulin.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(tɑː) n
1. (Chemistry) any of various dark viscid substances obtained by the destructive distillation of organic matter such as coal, wood, or peat
2. (Elements & Compounds) another name for coal tar
vb (tr) , tars, tarringortarred
4. tar and feather to punish by smearing tar and feathers over (someone)
5. tarred with the same brush regarded as having the same faults
[Old English teoru; related to Old Frisian tera, Old Norse tjara, Middle Low German tere tar, Gothic triu tree]


[C17: short for tarpaulin]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


n., v. Sailortarred, tar•ring,
adj. n.
1. any of various dark-colored viscid products obtained by the destructive distillation of certain organic substances, as coal or wood.
3. smoke solids or components: cigarette tar.
v.t. adj.
5. of or characteristic of tar.
1. beat, knock, or whale the tar out of, to beat mercilessly.
2. tar and feather, to coat (a person) with tar and feathers as a punishment or humiliation.
3. tar with the same brush, to regard as having the same unfavorable qualities as one whose shortcomings are known.
[before 900; (n.) Middle English tarr(e), ter(re), Old English teru, c. Middle Dutch tar, ter(re), Old Norse tjara; Middle English terren, Old English tierwian]


[1740–50; perhaps short for tarpaulin]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


1. A thick, oily, dark substance consisting mainly of hydrocarbons, made by heating wood, coal, or peat in the absence of air. See coal tar.
2. A solid, sticky substance that remains when tobacco is burned. It accumulates in the lungs of smokers and is considered to be a cause of cancer.
The American Heritage® Student Science Dictionary, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


Past participle: tarred
Gerund: tarring
I tar
you tar
he/she/it tars
we tar
you tar
they tar
I tarred
you tarred
he/she/it tarred
we tarred
you tarred
they tarred
Present Continuous
I am tarring
you are tarring
he/she/it is tarring
we are tarring
you are tarring
they are tarring
Present Perfect
I have tarred
you have tarred
he/she/it has tarred
we have tarred
you have tarred
they have tarred
Past Continuous
I was tarring
you were tarring
he/she/it was tarring
we were tarring
you were tarring
they were tarring
Past Perfect
I had tarred
you had tarred
he/she/it had tarred
we had tarred
you had tarred
they had tarred
I will tar
you will tar
he/she/it will tar
we will tar
you will tar
they will tar
Future Perfect
I will have tarred
you will have tarred
he/she/it will have tarred
we will have tarred
you will have tarred
they will have tarred
Future Continuous
I will be tarring
you will be tarring
he/she/it will be tarring
we will be tarring
you will be tarring
they will be tarring
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been tarring
you have been tarring
he/she/it has been tarring
we have been tarring
you have been tarring
they have been tarring
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been tarring
you will have been tarring
he/she/it will have been tarring
we will have been tarring
you will have been tarring
they will have been tarring
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been tarring
you had been tarring
he/she/it had been tarring
we had been tarring
you had been tarring
they had been tarring
I would tar
you would tar
he/she/it would tar
we would tar
you would tar
they would tar
Past Conditional
I would have tarred
you would have tarred
he/she/it would have tarred
we would have tarred
you would have tarred
they would have tarred
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
Noun1.tar - any of various dark heavy viscid substances obtained as a residue
bitumen - any of various naturally occurring impure mixtures of hydrocarbons
coal tar - a tar formed from distillation of bituminous coal; coal tar can be further distilled to give various aromatic compounds
2.tar - a man who serves as a sailor
Jack-tar, mariner, old salt, sea dog, seafarer, seaman, gob, Jack
able seaman, able-bodied seaman - a seaman in the merchant marine; trained in special skills
boatswain, bo's'n, bos'n, bosun, bo'sun - a petty officer on a merchant ship who controls the work of other seamen
deckhand, roustabout - a member of a ship's crew who performs manual labor
helmsman, steerer, steersman - the person who steers a ship
bargee, bargeman, lighterman - someone who operates a barge
ship's officer, officer - a person authorized to serve in a position of authority on a vessel; 'he is the officer in charge of the ship's engines'
pilot - a person qualified to guide ships through difficult waters going into or out of a harbor
sea lawyer - an argumentative and contentious seaman
whaler - a seaman who works on a ship that hunts whales
Verb1.tar - coat with tar; 'tar the roof'; 'tar the roads'
coat, surface - put a coat on; cover the surface of; furnish with a surface; 'coat the cake with chocolate'
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


nounInformal. A person engaged in sailing or working on a ship:
jack (uppercase), jack-tar, mariner, navigator, sailor, sea dog, seafarer, seaman.
Slang: gob.
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

Tar Sailor Definition


Tar Sailor



1. (= substance) → alquitránm, breaf, chapopotem (Mex)
low/middle tar cigarettescigarrillos con contenido bajo/medio de alquitrán
B.VT [+ road, surface] → alquitranar
to tar and feather sbemplumar a algn
to be tarred with the same brush (fig) → estar cortado por el mismopatrón
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


(in cigarettes)goudronm
low-tar cigarettes → cigarettesfpl à faibleteneur en goudron
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


vt road, fenceteeren; they are all tarred with the same brush(fig)sie sind alle vomgleichenSchlag; to tar and feather somebodyjdnteeren und federn


Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


low-/middle-tar cigarettes → sigarette a basso/mediocontenuto di catrame
2.vt (road) → incatramare
he's tarred with the same brush (fig) → è della stessa razza
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(taː) noun
any of several kinds of thick, black, sticky material obtained from wood, coal etc and used eg in roadmaking. teer قُطْران катран alcatrão dehet der Teer tjære πίσσαalquitrán, brea, chapapote tõrv قیر terva goudronזפת तारकोल katran kátrány ter tjara catrame タール 타르 derva darva tar teertjæresmołaalcatrão smoală смола; гудрон decht katran katran tjära น้ำมันดิน katran 柏油,焦油 смола; дьоготь تارکول nhựa đường 柏油,焦油,沥青
verbpast tense, past participle tarred
to cover with tar. The road has just been tarred. teer يَطْلي بالقار намазвам с катран alcatroar dehtovat teeren tjæret σκεπάζω με πίσσα, πισσώνω alquitranar; embrear tõrvama قیر اندود کردن tervata goudronner לְזַפֵּת तारकोल लगा premazati katranom bekátrányoz; aszfaltoz melapisi ter tjarga incatramare タールを塗る (~에) 타르를 칠하다 ištepti derva []darvot menurap dgn tar terentjære smołować alcatroar a unge cu smoală гудронировать dechtovať premazati s katranom premazati katranom tjära, asfaltera ลาดยาง katranlamak 塗(澆)柏油(或焦油) мазати дьогтем; смолити تارکول سے ڈھانپنا dải nhựa 以焦油或沥青覆盖或涂抹(某物),铺以沥青
ˈtarry adjective
of or like tar; covered with tar. geteer, teeragtig قَطْراني катранено alcatroado dehtový teerig tjæret; tjæreholdig; tjæreagtig πισσωμένος alquitranado, embreado tõrvane قیر مانند؛ قیر اندود tervainen goudronneux, goudronné מָרוּחַ בְּזֶפֶת तारकोल का, जिस पर राल या तारकोल लगा हो katranast, pokatranjen kátrányos seperti ter tjöru-; tjöruborinn/-kenndur incatramato タールの 타르의, 타르질의 dervos, dervuotas darvots; darvains bertar teerachtig tjæreholdig/-aktig, tjæret smolisty, smołowany alcatroado mânjit cu smoală; ca smoala смолистый dechtový katranast prekriven katranom tjärig, nedtjärad ซึ่งทาด้วยน้ำมันดิน (ทาร์) katranlı 塗有柏油的 просмолений تارکول جيسا giống như nhựa 涂有柏油的
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.

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Jack Tar Sailor Suits

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