Atm Menu In Finacle

Looking for Financle Commands used for banking? Finacle is one of the widely used CBS package in banking Industry, which is command based. Finding and remembering finacle commands is not an easy task. To help bankers to easily find financle commands here is the list of Finacle Commands (Finacale Menu Options). You can download the pdf copy from here (financle commands pdf) and save it to your system. Use control+F to instantly find the required command as and when it is needed. Some commands may vary from Bank to Bank but most of the following financle commands are common to all Banks. These finacle commands are also used in Post Office.

COMMANDSFunction of the Finacle Menu
AALIA/c Abnormal Limits/Details Inquiry
ABMRReport of Accounts Below Min Balance
ACCBALComponents of Account Balance Inquiry
ACDETAccount Balance Details
ACICustomer Accounts Inquiry
ACLIAccount Ledger Inquiry
ACLPCACustomer Account Ledger Print
ACLPOAOffice Account Ledgers Print
ACMPAccount Master Print
ACSPAccount Selection Print
ACTIAccount Turnover Inquiry
ACTODIAccount TOD Inquiry
ADVCPrint DR/CR Advice to Customer
AFIAudit File Inquiry
AFINQUAudit File Inquiry
AFPAudit File Print
AICRAdvanced Interest Collected Report- Bills
AINTRPTInterest Report For Accounts
AITINQAccount Interest Details Inquiry
ALMSPAgricultural Loans Master Sheet Print
ASTIAmount-slab Table Inquiry
ATIAbnormal Transactions Inquiry
ATMBRPTBalances outstanding in MBBCASH001,ATMCASH001, ATMTEMP001 where balancenot equal to ZERO.
BDTRBills due Today report.
BEHIBills Events History Inquiry
BIBills Inquiry
BICRBills Interest Collected Report
BICSBills Collection Schedule
BKTIBank Table Inquiry
BRBalancing Report
BRRBPRBills Register Report – Bills Purchased
BRRCRBills Register Report – Collection Inward/Outward
BRTIBranch Table Inquiry
CALLRPT 1Call over Report for SB and CA Accounts
CALLRPT 11Payslip reconciliation/outstanding Report
CALLRPT 12Interest certificate Only for TDR for a givencust_id.
CALLRPT 14Inward Clearing File Generation
CALLRPT 15Statement of Service Tax
CALLRPT 16Statement of PPF Transactions
CALLRPT 17BCTT Download for a Branch
CALLRPT 18BCTT Consolidation for Zonal Offices
CALLRPT 2Call over Report for CC and OD Accounts
CALLRPT 3Call over Report for Loan Accounts
CALLRPT 4Call over Report for TDA Accounts
CALLRPT 5Call over Report for DD
CALLRPT 6Call over Report for office Accounts
CALLRPT 7Accounts with interest table code Zero/ZeroL
CALLRPT 8TDS details for a given Cust-Id
CALLRPT 9Interest details for a given Sol-Id.
CBMCustomer Becoming Major
CHGIRCharges Income Report
CTICalendar Table Inquiry
CUACLIInquire on Your Account Ledger Entries
CUBIBills Inquiry
CULACCustomer Accounts List
CULICustomer Unutilised Limit Inquiry
CUMICustomer Master Inquiry
CUSCustomer Selection
CUSTBALPCUSTomer BALance Printing
DCQRYDocument credit Query
DCQRYPDocumentary Credits Query Printing
DCREGDocumentary Credits Register Printing
DDICDD Credits Inquiry
DDIDDD Debits Inquiry
DDIISpecific DD Issued Inquiry
DDIPSpecific DD Paid Inquiry
DDIRDD Issue Reports
DDPA-> DD Issued Summary
DDPB-> DD Issued Register
DDPC-> DD Paid Summary
DDPD-> DD Paid Register
DDPE-> DD Cancellation & Rectification Summary
DDPF-> DD Cancellation & Rectification Register
DDPG-> DD Consolidated Summary
DDPH -> All Summarys A,C,E,G
DDPI -> All Registers B,D,F
DDPJ -> All Summaries & Registers
DDP2A -> Drafts Issued Schedule
DDP2B -> Drafts Issued Register
DDP2C -> Drafts Paid Schedule (other than Ex-advice)
DDP2D-> Drafts Paid Register (other than Ex-advice)
DDP2E-> Drafts Paid Ex-advice Schedule
DDP2F-> Drafts Paid Ex-advice Register
DDP2G-> Drafts Reversing Debits Schedule
DDP2H-> Drafts Reversing Credits Schedule
DDP2I-> Drafts A/c Schedule
DDP2J-> All Schedules A,C,E,G,H,I
DDP2 KAll Registers B,D,F
DDP2 LAll Schedules & Registers J,K
DDPALLPrint all unprinted DDs
DDREPRNTReprint a DD/ Print advice
DDXFERAdvice of Drawing Printing
DEPINTInterest calculator for deposits
DEPMODDeposit Modeling
DRPDeposits Receipt Print
DTCSDisplay Tran Code Summary
DTRDeposit Transactions Report
DUDRPDeposits Receipt Print [Duplicate]
EFIEmployee File Inquiry
EXCPRPTExceptions Report
FBCSForeign Bills Covering Schedule
FBHIForeign Bills History Inquiry
FBIForeign Bills Inquiry
FBPForeign Bills Printing
FBRPRReserve Payment Register
FIFate Inquiry
FOIQFAB Outward Clearing Instrument Inquiry
FTIFinancial Transactions Inquiry
FTRFinancial Transactions Inquiry & Report
FTRFinancial Transactions Inquiry & Report
FWCHIForward Contract History Inquiry
FWCLIABForward Contract Liability Register
FWCODLSTList of Overdue and Matured FC
GDETGeneral Deposits Details
GDETGeneral Deposits Details
GIGuarantee Inquiry
GILRGuarantees Issued cum Liabilty Register
GPGuarantee Printing
GPIGuarantee Parameters Inquiry
GSPIGeneral Scheme Parameters Inquiry
GURFIMUReference File Inquiry Menu
HACCBALBalance details of an Account
HACCBALBalance details of an Account
HACCDETGeneral Details
HACCDETGeneral Details
HACIMUCRV – Account Level Menu
HACLHILimit Details
HACLITransactions Inquiry
HACSAccount Selection
HACTIAccount turnover details
HADVCPrint DR/CR Advice to Customer
HAITINQAccount Interest Details Inquiry
HBKQRYBank Level Query Option
HCELICollateral Entity Linkage Inquiry
HCRVMUCustomer Relationship View- Main Menu
HCUACCAccounts of Customer
HCUCACurrent Account of Customer
HCUCCCash Credit of Customer
HCUDETGeneral details of Customer
HCUIMUCRV – Customer Level Menu
HCULALoan Accounts of Customer
HCUMATForthcoming Maturities of Customer
HCUODOverdraft Accounts of Customer
HCUPSDPortfolio details of Customer
HCUSCustomer Selection
HCUSBSavings Account of Customer
HCUSELCustomer Selection
HCUSUMSummary details of Customer
HCUSWPSweep details of Customer
HCUTDTerm Deposits of Customer
HCUTITurnover Summary of Customer
HDCDETDelivery Channel transaction details
HFTIFinancial Transactions Inquiry
HICIInward Cheques Inquiry
HIIHot Items Inquiry
HINTCIInterest Table Code Inquiry
HINTTIInterest Rate Details Inquiry
HIOGLTInquire on GL Transactions
HIOTInquire on Transactions
HLAGILoan Account General Inquiry
HLAILoan Inquiry
HLAMODLoan Modelling
HLAOPILoans Overdue Position Inquiry
HLAPSPLoan Account Pass Sheet Print
HLARSHLoans Repayment Schedule Report
HMHelp Maintenance
HOCIOutward Cheques Inquiry
HOCIPHOC Inquiry cum BA(R) Print
HOCIPHOC Inquiry cum BA(R) Print
HODBCHBill and Collection History Details
HOIQOutward Clearing Instrument Inquiry
HOPQOutward Clearing Ptran Inquiry
HPARTINQInquiry on Partitioned Account
HPBPPassbook Print
HPSPPass Sheet Print
HRTHQRYRatelist History Query
HTDTerm deposit transaction details
HTDINTTerm deposit interest details
HTDSIPTDS Inquiry & Printing
HTDSIPTDS Inquiry & Printing
HTDTAXTerm deposit tax deduction details
HTFINCustomer Trade Finance Inquiry
HTINQHot Items Lookup
HTODCSTOD Criteria and Selection
IMIInventory Movement Inquiry
IMRInventory Movement Report
INQACHQInquire Account Number for a Cheque
INTCERTInterest Certificate Print
INTSIInterest Slab Inquiry
INTTIInterest Table Inquiry
IOCLSInquire On Clearing Transaction Sets
IOGLTInquire on GL Transactions
IOTInquire on Transactions
ISARInter Sol Audit Report
ISIInventory Inquiry Split and Merge-EM
ISIAInventory Inquiry Split and Merge
ISTRInter Sol Transaction Report
ITCIInterest Table Code Inquiry
ITIInstruments Table Inquiry
LAGILoans General Inquiry
LAITCILoan Interest Table Code Inquiry
LAOPILoans Overdue Position Inquiry
LAPSPLoan Account Pass Sheet Print
LLIRLimit Liability Inquiry/Report
LLIRLimit Liability Inquiry/Report
LNDILimit Node Details Inquiry
LNHTIRLimit Node History/Tran Inquiry/Report
LNHTIRLimit Node History/Tran Inquiry/Report
LNILimit Node Inquiry
LVSILoan Interest Version Slabs Inquiry
MNTPSTMaintain PST Table (Modify & Inquiry)
OIQOutward Clearing Instruments Inquiry
OPQOutward Clg Part Tran Inquiry
OTRINQOffline Transaction Inquiry
PARTINQInquiry on Partitioned Account
PBPPass Book Print
PCLSOPrint Clearing Schedule
PDADIPast Due A/c Details Inquiry And Report
PDMLPrint/Display Media List
PENDDRPPending Deposits Receipt Print
PHINQInquiry on History of Partition A/c
PICSPrint Inward Clearing Schedule
PICWPrint Inward Clearing Waste
PLISTPending Installments List – Recurring Deposits
PLISTPending Installments List
PRR25PRR25 Report of rejected cheques
PRR38Statement of Daily Cash Position
PRRTLRatelist Printing
PRTINQPrint Queue Inquiry
PSR32Sanction Limits For Accounts based on Sector &Sub-sector codes
PTW 1Full Transfer Waste
PTW 12System Generated Transactions
PTW 2Only Verified Transaction
PTW 3Only Unposted Transaction
PTW 4Only Unverified Transaction
QBRQuick Balancing Report
RBTIRegister Table Balance Inquiry
RDDRatewise Distribution of Deposits
REDRPReprint Deposits Receipt
REJREPRejected Instruments Report/Advice
RENHISTTD Renewal History Details
RINTINQInterest Inquiry For RPC Accounts
RRCDIReference Code Inquiry
RTHQRYRatelist History Query
RTHQRYRatelist History Query
SCWRPTShroff Cash Report
SCWRPTA Shrof Cash Rpt-All
SDDSchemewise Distribution of Deposits
SELSuperceding Expired Limits
SELSuperceding Expired Limits
SIETRSIs Executed Today Report
SIIStanding Instructions Inquiry
SIRPStanding Instructions Register Printing
SMISwift Messages Inquiry
SPRGStop Payment Register
TCPITeller Wise Cash Position Inquiry
TCPIATeller Wise Cash Position Inquiry / All
TDSIPTDS Inquiry & Printing
TEI TTransactions Exceptions Inquiry
TITransactions Inquiry
TODCSTOD Criteria and Selection
TODRPTOD Register Printing
TRANINQTran Inquiry
TRANLISTTran list display
TRTRITreasury Transaction Report and Inquiry
TVSITerm Deposits Interest Slabs Inquiry
VCHRPrint DR/CR Voucher

Finacle provides an interface called ATM Controller which allows information regarding transactions from ATM’s to be routed to the Finacle host or data center through the Service Delivery System. This option is used to control the information to be passed to the ATM’s from Finacle. 1000 Finacle Commands/Menus Aeiro finacle cbs manual (1. Functionalities of Finacle are as follows:. Finacle facilitates anywhere banking. It is menu driven software with easy navigation. It is functionality rich and addresses the retail and corporate banking requirements. Customization and parameterization are two special features of Finacle. Finacle provides multi-lingual support. PO Updates Latest updates for the employees of India Post. Latest rules, SB orders, Finacle procedures, McCamish procedures explained in detail.


Generally for all the ATM related modifications we use the menu CCMM in DOP Finacle Invoke the menu CCMM in the counter PA login then the system will show the below screen as shown In the next screen enter the following details 1. Finacle provides an interface called ATM Controller which allows information regarding transactions from ATM’s to be routed to the Finacle host or data center through the Service Delivery System. This option is used to control the information to be passed to the ATM’s from Finacle.

Finacle 10X - Automation Case Study

A Public Sector client having Pan India presence with more than 100 years. Having a vast portfolio from banking to finance, Insurance and asset management this bank works on fully automated core banking systems at present.


As Services for digital banking, requirements of testing across multiple channels (web and mobile) platforms through internet and mobile banking solutions. Client working on Core Banking System on Finacle 10X platform, undertaken a project to migrate legacy system to new system with its implementation across pan India branches and ATMs.


  • Major Challenge to Migrate Legacy system into new system..
  • Quality Assurance and Data Migration.
  • Impact Verification & Critical Business functionality on Day0, Day1, Day2.
  • Knowledge Transfer to client members across branches.



Atm Issue Menu In Finacle

  • AQM created mini regression & regression module frameworks with high efficiency.
  • Expert Support for Data Migration with quality “in live production environment”.
  • Provided suggestions on testing processes across branches pan India.
  • 41 modules across platforms with 22,000 Automation cases successfully tested out of 30705 total manual test cases.
  • With the efforts in 150-man months completed the project before hand.

Tools Used: UFT and Appium as Automation Testing Tool, JIRA for Bug tracking and TestLink for Test Management Tool


  • Successful migration of system and data across 2600 branches, 3040 ATMs and more than 4000 branches less centres pan India.
  • Ready Test case library reducing 40% efforts and bringing down cost.
  • Major release made as per original plan.
  • Quick and bug free production environment to maintain the productivity.

Covered Modules - Finacle Test Automation