Languages That Start With S

Tamil is India’s fifth most spoken language, as well as being one of the official languages of Sri Lanka and Singapore. Catamaran (1697), pariah (1613), poppadum (1820) and patchouli (1843) are. Please find below many ways to say start in different languages. This is the translation of the word 'start' to over 100 other languages. Saying start in European Languages. Saying start in Asian Languages. Saying start in Middle-Eastern Languages. Saying start in African Languages.

The list of programming languages is comprised of all languages implemented in a compiler or an interpreter, in alphabetical order. And for recent languages​​, there is at least one widely used program written in this language.
In addition, historical languages with no compiler, but that may have influenced design of further work are included also, provided that the author of the further language has made a verifiable reference to them.
Most entries in the list has a link to a website or a download page for the compiler or the interpreter. For historical languages, a link to a dedicated website or a description. Additional info such as date and type of language may be added too.

  • Programming languages Procedural and functional languages.
  • Markup languages and data formats XML, XAML, XUL...
  • Database or query languages SQL and other languages.



  • A+. 2001 Similar to APL.
  • A#. Object oriented, functional programming language, now replaced by Aldor.
  • ABAP, Advanced Business Application Programming. 1983. Cobol-like programming language for SAP web application servers.
  • ABC. Precursor to Python.
  • Action! Compiler design programming language, as Micro-SPL.
  • ActionScript. 2004. Version of ECMAScript for Flash.
  • Actor. 1986. Programming language and also a concept for language design (actor oriented).
  • Actum. 2009 by Microsoft. Experimental, concurrent actor-based, internal to the firm.
  • Ada. 1983. Named after Ada Lovelace, was developped for the US Department Of Defense.
  • Afnix. 1998 Formerly Aleph. Functional language.
  • Agena. 2009. Inspired from d'ALGOL and C.
  • Aldor. 1985. IBM. For mathematical computing.
  • Aleph. See Afnix.
  • Algae. Interpreted language for numerical analysis.
  • Algo. Algebraic programming language.
  • ALGOL, ALGOrithmic Language. 1958. Followed by d'ALGOL 60, d'ALGOL W (Wirth) and then ALGOL 68. Has inspired Pascal, C and C-Like.
  • Alma-0. Modula 2, imperative language augmented with logical programming features.
  • Alphard. 1974. Name of the brightest star in Hydra. Pascal-like, not implemented.
  • Altran. 1968. Fortran variant.
  • AmigaE. 1993. By Wouter van Oortmerssen. Language inspired by Ada, C++, Lisp.
  • AMPL, A Mathematical Programming Language. 1985 by Brian Kernighan and others. Modeling Language for Mathematical Programming.
  • ANI. 2010. Implicitly parallel. The project seems abandoned.
  • Anubis. 2000. Functional, not ML, language.
  • ApeScript. 2005. Dynamic, interpreted, C-like.
  • APL. A Programming Language. 1962. By Kenneth E. Iverson.
  • AppleScript. 1993. English-like scripting language.
  • APT. Automatically Programmed Tool. High-level language for numerically controlled machines.
  • Arduino. A version of the wiring language for the open source Arduino controller.
  • Argos. Synchronous language.
  • ARS++. Abstraction plus Reference plus Synthesis. New programming approach, given in the name.
  • Asm.js. Subset of JavaScript which runs faster. It is implemented by Mozilla.
  • AspectJ. Java implementation of Aspect oriented programming. Development
  • Assembly.
  • ATLAS. Several minor languages with this name.
  • Autocode. 1952. Several versions of this primitive historical language.
  • AutoIt. Automation language. Originally for scripting Windows applications, now more general.
  • Avail. 2014. Near the english natural language, works on a virtual machine.
  • Averest. Synchronous language, replaced by Quartz.
  • AWK, Alfred Aho, Peter Weinberger, and Brian Kernighan. 1977. See also gawk, nawk, mawk. Interpreted, for text processing and data extraction.
  • Axiom. Computer Algebra System, actually a set of tools that uses the A# language.


  • B. 1969. Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson. Derived from BCPL, of which it shorten the name, predecessor of the C language.
  • Bash. Bourne-Again shell. 1989. A command line interpreter to replace Bourne shell.
  • BASIC. Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code. 1964. John G. Kemeny and Thomas E. Kurtz. Created to enable students at the Darmount College to use computers, it became widespread with personal computers.
  • BAL. Assembly language for the IBM 360.
  • BCPL, Basic Combined Programming Language. 1966. By Martin Richards at Cambridge. Successor to CPL, inspired from BASIC, and inspired B which in turn inspired C.
  • BeanShell. 2000. Java-like scripting language.
  • BETA. C-like, Object oriented in the Simula tradition.
  • Bigwig. Descendant of MAWL, to make web services.
  • Bistro. 1999. Smaltalk and Java like.
  • BLISS. 1970. System langage by Carnegie Mellon, supplanted by C.
  • Blockly. 2012 by Google. Graphical language, block are moved to build an application.
  • Boo. 2004. Similar to Python, for .NET.
  • Bosque. 2019. By Microsoft. Another C-like designed to explore new forms of expressiveness in programs.
  • Bourne shell. 1978. Language of commands for Unix.
  • Bournegol. 1977. Algol port made from C macros, used to write Bourne shell. The name could be apocrypha.
  • BPEL. Web Services Business Process Execution Language. 2003. OASIS standard.


  • C. 1972. Designed by Dennis Ritchie to write the code of the Unix operating system.
  • C--. 1997. Portable intermediate language aimed at compilers. Unlike LLVM, a run-time interface to add processings such as a garbage collector.
  • C++. 1983. By Bjarne Stroustrup. Named C with Classes until 1983. The first standard is C++ 98 followed by C++ 11 in 2011.
  • C#. 2000. By Microsoft as an alternative to Java and derived from C++ too. It is imperative and OO language feature complete.
  • C Shell. 1978. C-like for command-line scripts on Unix. Its successor is tcsh.
  • Caché ObjectScript. 1997. Procedural language with database functions. Compatible with MUMPS.
  • Caml. Categorical Abstract Machine Language. 1985. Derived from ML, OCaml predecessor.
  • Cayenne. Functionnal, near Haskell with Java features, and return values may depend to external components.
  • Cecil. 1992 Near Modula and Objective C. (Search on the site).
  • Cedar. 1983. Palo Alto. Successor to Mesa and Pascal.
  • Ceylon. 2012. Created by Red Hat to write collectively large programs and use structured data. Like JavaScript with classes and interfaces but runs on the JVM or Node.js. Note: Ceylan = tea, Java = coffee.
  • CFScript. JavaScript part of ColdFusion. See also CFML.
  • Cg. C for Graphics. C-like by NVidia and Microsoft for graphic cards.
  • Chapel, Cascade High Productivity Language. 2009 by Cray, constructor of supercomputers. Parallel programming, C-like.
  • Charity. 1992. Functional and categorical programming language.
  • CHILL. CCITT High Level Language. 1980. Language for telecommunications. Chill 96 is object oriented and generic.
  • CHR. 1991. Constraint Handling Rules. Used for artificial intelligence.
  • ChucK. 2004. Multimedia concurrent language for audio synthesis and other musical tasks.
  • Cilk. 1994. Multi-threaded and concurrent based on C.
  • Clarion. 2011. With command for databases, eases to automates the making of report applications.
  • Clay. 2011. For generic programming.
  • Clean. 1987. Similar to Haskell.
  • Clipper. 1985. Compiler for dBASE III, which then got features of C and Pascal.
  • CLIPS. C Language Integrated Production System. See Cool.
  • Clojure. 2007. Lisp-like, compiles to the JVM.
  • CLOS. See Common Lisp.
  • CLU. CLUster. 1975. By MIT. Made concepts that inspired Python and Ruby.
  • Cobol. COmmon Business Oriented Language. 1959. Inspired by Flow-matic, Fortran. ANSI standards are Cobol 58, 74, 85 and 2002 object oriented.
  • Code. Computationally-Oriented Display Environment. Visual parallel programming system.
  • CoffeeScript. 2009. It compiles into JavaScript and offers a more readable syntax Python-like.
  • ColdFusion. 2001. Java compatible combination of CFScript and CFML, used for dynamic web processing.
  • COMAL. Common Algorithmic Language. 1973. Inspired by BASIC.
  • CIL. Common Intermediate Language. Bytecode pour .NET.
  • Common Lisp. 1984. Dialecte de LISP, standardisé.
  • Component Pascal. See Oberon.
  • COMIT. 1957. First string and list processing language
  • Cool. Classroom Object Oriented Language. 1996. Conçu pour montrer la construction d'un compilateur.
  • Coral66. Computer On-line Real-time Applications Language. 1964. Based on Algol 60 and Fortran, was used by the British administration.
  • COWSEL, COntrolled Working SpacE Language. 1964. Renamed POP-1, followed by POP-2.
  • CPL, Combined Programming Language. 1963. Predecessor of BCPL and itself finding inspiration in Algol 60.
  • Crack. 2009. Scripting language intended to provide the speed of compiled program. C-like, LLVM.
  • Crystal. 2015. Ruby-like, compiled.
  • Csh. See C Shell.
  • Curl. CURLy bracket. 1998. Markup and programming language, reflexive OO, for building web applications. Not to be confused with cURL.
  • Curry. Name of a mathematician. 1996. Functional logic, based on Haskell.
  • Cyclone. 2006. Dialect of C by ATT designed to be safer, avoiding memory leaks and pointers issues.


  • D. 2000. By Walter Bright. A new version of C with objects, dynamic arrays and a garbage collector.
  • Databus. See PL/B.
  • DarkBASIC. 1999. Commercial PL for game creation. Compile to C++, with a BASIC scripting extension.
  • Dart. 2011. A browser and server language designed by Google to replace JavaScript, adds classes, interfaces, mixins.
  • DCL. DIGITAL Command Language. ~1977. Scripting PL used on Digital computers.
  • Deca. 2011. High-level Language for system programming. Uses LLVM.
  • Delphi. 1995. Pascal deviant created by Borland, now supported by Embarcadero.
  • DiBOL, Digital's Business Oriented Language. 1970. BASIC and COBOL inspired for information systems.
  • DisCo. DIStributed CO-operation. 1992. Specification language for reactive systems.
  • Dotty. 2014. New simplified version of Scala.
  • DRAKON. 1996. Visual language by the Russian space program, to express knowledge to accomplish a goal.
  • Dylan. DYNamic LANguage. 1992 by Apple. Derived from Scheme. Fully object oriented, it was created for the Newton device.


  • E. 1997. See also AmigaE. Descended of Joule, for distributed persistent computations.
  • Ease. 1991. Inspired by CSP and Linda. contexts are parallel structures and types dynamically constructed.
  • ECMAScript. 1997. The official standard for JS.
  • Edinburgh IMP. See IMP.
  • Eiffel. 1986. By Bertrand Meyer. Designed with security in mind.
  • Elan. 1974. For learning and teaching systematic programming as a replacement to BASIC.
  • elastiC. 1999. C-like portable, high-level object-oriented interpreted.
  • Elixir. 2012. Functional and concurrent, run on the Erlang VM (BEAM), with a clean Ruby-like syntax. An elixir program can access and test its own source code.
  • Elm. 2012. Functional reactive programming, compile to HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
  • Emacs Lisp. Scripting the code editor.
  • EGL. 2008. Enterprise Generation Language by IBM. Based on Cross System Product created in 1981. Very high level language compiled into other languages such as COBOL, Java, etc.
  • Epigram. 2004. Concurrent, functional.
  • Erlang. 1986, open source in 1998. ERicsson LANguage and also from the name Agner Krarup Erlang. Based on Prolog, Smalltalk, CSP. Functional, concurrent and runs on a virtual machine (BEAM). The model based on actors solves most concurrency concerns.
  • Escapade. 1997. Server-side programming to access databases and produce web pages.
  • Esterel. 1980. INRIA. For developping complex synchronous reactive systems, with parallelism and preemption.
  • Euclid. 1970+. By Xerox PARC lab. Pascal-like imperative for verifiable programs. Its successor is Mesa.
  • Euphoria. 1993. Typed interpreted language for scripting.
  • Euler. 1966. Niklaus Wirth and Helmut Weber. Successor to Algol 60. Dynamically typed.
  • Exec. See Rexx.


  • F. Subset of Fortran 77 with modules and access to the file system.
  • F3, Form Follow Function. 2005. Previous name for JavaFX Script, but forked under its original name.
  • F#. 2005, Microsoft. Functional, OO, inspired by OCaml, Haskell and other functional languages.
  • Fabric. 2010, Cornell. Based on Java and Jif, distributet, it provides security on data preservation and use.
  • Factor. 2003. Stack-based like Forth.
  • Fantom. 2005. C-like running on JVM and .NET with a common library. Evolutionary syntax, concurrency, mixins.
  • Felix. Inspired by C++ and ML.
  • Flow-Matic. 1954. By Grace Hopper. First language to use English words and statements.
  • Focal, FOrmula CALculator. 1968. Interpreted, for PDP-8.
  • FOCUS. 1975. Builds database queries.
  • FOIL. 1967. Computer assisted learning. Another langage with this name for music generation was released in 1979.
  • Forth, FOuRTH. 1973. By Charles H. Moore. Stack oriented. Used to command machines including boot of computers.
  • Fortran. 1957. FORmula TRANSlator. Standard Fortran II (58), IV (61), 66, 77 (Procedural), 90, 95, 2003 (Object oriented). Language for scientific computations. Other dialects are S-Fortran, SFtran, QuickTran, LTRTran, HPF, Co-Array Fortran.
  • Fortress. 2007. Designed by Sun for high performance computing. Replacement to Fortran (hence the name).
  • FP, Function Programming. 1977. John Backus. Created to support functional programming.


  • G. 1986. Dataflow language for the LabView system, for graphical and parallel (and functional) programming. One programs visually by connecting objects.
  • Gams, General Algebraic Modeling System. 1976-1987. Modeling system for mathematical optimization.
  • Go. 2009. Created by Google, is C and Pascal-like. It is concurrent with a garbage collector, aimed mainly at web services.
  • Gödel. 1995. Prolog-like.
  • Gosu. 2010. Java-like running on the JVM, provides extended types.
  • GPSS, General Purpose Simulation System. 1972. A system is built as transactions passed from one service to another.
  • Grap. By Brian Kernighan & Jon Bentley at Bell Labs. For typesetting graphs.
  • Groovy. 2003. OO scripting language for Java.


  • Hack. 2014. By Facebook. Statically typed version of PHP.
  • Halide. 2012. By the MIT, image processing language with a compact syntax.
  • Hal/S. 1968. Real-time aerospace programming language
  • HAScript, Host Access Script par IBM. XML syntax, at command line, on JVM.
  • Haskell. 1990. Functional language. Haskell 98 follows. In 2002 version a lazy functional language. Compiler.
  • Haxe. 2006. Compile to JS, C++, PHP.
  • Heron. Java-like, OO and fonctional.
  • HLA, High Level Assembly. Assembler with high-level constructs.
  • Hobbes. 2017. Morgan Stanley (Bank). Pattern-matching and parsing oriented, the JIT interpreter JIT may be embedded in a C++ program.
  • Hugo. For interactive fictions.
  • HyperTalk. 1987. By Dan Winkler at Apple. Procedural made of cards to link and assemble. Hypernext and Supercard are Hypercard-like tools.


  • IAL, International Algebraic Language. 1958. Renamed Algol.
  • ICI. 1988. C-like interpreted with garbage collector and dynamic data model for scripting.
  • Icon. 1977-79. C and Pascal-like, for string processing, is goal directed. Followed by Unicon.
  • IDL, Interactive Data Language. 1977. A descriptive language inspired by Fortran and C used in science.
  • IMP. 1970. Algol-like. System, extensible syntaxe. Unlike Edinburgh IMP, its syntax differs from ALGOL.
  • Inform. 1993. Design system and langage for interactive fiction. Followed by Inform 6 (1996) and Inform 7 (2006) based on natural language.
  • INTERCAL. 1972. For history, a parody language to satirize the proliferation of strange constructs in PL.
  • Io. 2002. Prototype-based inspired by Smalltalk.
  • IPL, Information Processing Language. 1956. First in list processing but replaced by Lisp.
  • ISWIM, If you See What I Mean. 1966. Not implemented by inspired functional languages.


  • J. 1990. Is a rework of APL, for mathematics and data analysis.
  • JADE. 1996. Pascal-like, dedicated to database management like Delphi.
  • Jal, Just Another Language. 2003. Pascal-like language for micro-controllers.
  • Janus. 1982. By Caltech. Reversible computing.
  • Janus. 1990. Concurrent, constraint, arguments with two aspects, hence the name. Predecessor of Toontalk.
  • Java. 1995. James Gosling and Sun. Running on a virtual machine and so portable, is derived from C with objects. Each class is stored in one file.
  • JavaFX Script. 2005. Scripting for the JavaFX interface. Dropped by Oracle, but forked under the name Visage.
  • JavaScript. 1995. By Brendan Eich. Dynamic, C-like, inspired by Self for prototypes. Scripting on browsers, GUI, documents, or on the server.
  • JCL, Job Control Language. For IBM mainframes.
  • Jif. 2001. Cornell. Java with control on information access.
  • Join Java. 2000. Augmented version of Java with joint-pattern.
  • Joss, JOHNNIAC Open Shop System. 1963. Interactive time-sharing, predecessor of MUMPS.
  • Joule. 1996. Concurrent and distributed, precursor of E.
  • JOVIAL. Jules Own Version of the International Algorithmic Language. 1960. ALGOL-like for embedded systems. (IAL was first name of ALGOL).
  • Joy. 2001. Fonctional.
  • JScript. 1996. Microsoft's dialect of ECMAScript. Similar to JavaScript, without the Java name for trademark issues. Abandonned since IE 10.
  • Julia. 2010. For scientific computing, very fast on LLVM. Parallel, distributed. A program can modify its own code.


  • K. 1993. Proprietary, for array processing, derived from APL. Kona is a open-source interpreter.
  • Kaleidoscope. 1990. Imperative, OO, with constraints. Evolved from Smalltalk-like to ALGOL-like.
  • Korn shell. 1983. Scripting at command line compatible with Bourne.
  • Kotlin. 2012. By JetBrains. Statically typed language for the JVM or JavaScript. An experiment to combine all p. l. theories.


  • LabView. 1986. Visual language from National Instruments aimed at device control.
  • Ladder Logic. Visual language for programmable logic controllers in industrial control.
  • Lagoona. Experimental, for component-oriented programming, communicating by messages.
  • Lava. 2001. OO, interpreted. Want to build a program from a treeview rather than a text editor.
  • Leda. 1994. Its goal is to mix imparative, functional and logic paradigms.
  • Lfyre. 2005. Extensible.
  • Limbo. 1995. By Rob Pike & Bell Labs. Concurrent language (CSP based), for distributed applications on the Inferno OS. Successor to Alef and Newsqueak.
  • LINC 4DL. Predecessor of EAE and AB Suite, two code generators by Unisys.
  • Lingo. Several languages: Macromedia Lingo, Lingo Allegro, Linn Lingo, Lindo Lingo.
  • Lisaac. 2003. OO based on prototypes for OS building.
  • Lisp, LISt Processing. 1958 by John McCarthy. Extensible, made of a tree with perenthesis, influences many languages.
  • LLJS, Low Level JavaScript. 2012. By Mozilla, typed dialect of JavaScript near C, and compiled to JS. Replaced by Asm.js.
  • LLVM bitcode. 2004. Intermediate language for compilers, or virtual machines.
  • Lobster. 2013. Game programming in 3D with OpenGL in backend.
  • Loci. 2014. Similar to C++ but simpler, with a garbage collector, compile to LLVM.
  • Logo. 1966-68. Lisp without parenthesis. Learn programming by moving a graphical turtle.
  • Lua, Moon in portuguese. 1993. Scripting language originally an extension to C, now standalone.
  • Lucid. 1976. Programming model close to reactive programming, where instructions are equations where variables are interconnected processors.
  • Lustre. 1991. For reactive systems.
  • LYaPAS. 1964. By Academia of Sciences of Russia. Logical Language for the Representation of Synthesis Algorithms. Extension of APL.


  • M. 2008. Modeling language by Microsoft for the Oslo platform.
  • M#. 2014. By Microsoft, code generator similar to JavaFX to build a website and compile to C# and ASP.NET.
  • M. See MUMPS.
  • MAD. See IAL, ALGOL.
  • Mary. 1970+. Similar to ALGOL 68, for low-level programming.
  • Mathematica. 1988. Programming language that uses algebraic notation for expressions.
  • MATLAB. 1975-1978. By Cleve Moler. The scientific and mathematical language evolved to more diverse applications.
  • Mercury. 1995. Functional logic programming language. Ported to C, Java, .NET.
  • Mesa. 1970+. Palo Alto. Pascal-like, modular, inpired Modula-2 and Java. Replaced by Cedar.
  • MetaL. 2001. XML based code generator.
  • MIMIC. 1964. Expression-oriented simulation language for industrial designs.
  • Mirah. 2011. Similar to Ruby but runs on the Java virtual machine and use its API. May serve to make Android apps.
  • Miranda. 1985 by David Turner. Functional language, has inspired Haskell.
  • Miva Script. 1996. Proprietary, for ecommerce site creation.
  • Mixal, Mix Assembly Language. For the Mix computer of Donald Knuth.
  • ML. 1973. University of Edinburgh. Functional language inspired by ISWIM.
  • Moby. 2002. Experimental to combine functional with concurrency and OO.
  • Modula. 1970+ by Niklaus Wirth. Pascal (from the same author) with modules.
  • Modula-2. 1980 by Niklaus Wirth. Modula with coroutines, want to be a system and application language.
  • Modula-3. 1989 by DEC et Olivetti. Modula 2 with genéricc, multithreading, exceptions, garbage collector. Influenced other langage but not adopted itself.
  • Mondrian. OO version of Haskell.
  • Mortran. Derived from Fortran with syntaxic differences.
  • Moto. 1999. C-like embedded in documents such as HTML.
  • MSIL. See CIL.
  • MUMPS. 1967. Massachusetts General Hospital Utility Multi-Programming System. Database oriented language.


  • Napier88. Named after John Napier. 1989. Experimental persistent langage.
  • Neko. 2005. Compile to bytecode for its own virtual machine.
  • Nemerle. Named after a fictious character. 2003. Functional, OO and imperative. For .NET.
  • Nesl. 1993. At Carnegie Mellon. Parallel, fonctional and array-oriented.
  • NetRexx. 1996. By Mike Cowlishaw. Port to the JVM (and first to be so) of the Rexx scripting language used at IBM.
  • Newspeak. Named after the language imagined by Orwell. 2006. Has embedded classes.
  • Newsqueak. 1989. By Rob Pike at Bell Labs, who further will make Go, another concurrent language. Derived from Squeak, it eases to make GUIs. Inspired Alef, Limbo and Go.
  • Ngl, aNGeL. 2004. Extension of J, with a mathematical notation.
  • Nial, Nested Interactive Array Language. 1981. Functional programming notation for arrays, applied to IA.
  • Nice. 2003. OO with enhanced features and strict controls against errors.
  • Nickle. 2001. Numeric oriented for algorithmics.
  • Nim (formerly Nimrod). 2010. Python-like for system programming. Meta-programming, OO, compile to C, JS or binary.
  • Nit. 2009. Statically typed object oriented, Ruby-like.
  • Noop. 2009. By Google. Java-like language designed to syntactically encourage good coding practices and discouraging bad habits. Compile to bytecode for the JVM.
  • Nu 2007. Lisp-like, OO and interpreted.


  • o:Xml. 2002. OO with a XML-like syntax.
  • Oberon, named after a moon of Uranus. 1986 by Niklaus Wirth. Reflective and extensible, derived from Modula-2.
  • Objective-C. 1983. C plus Smalltalk objects, used mainly on Apple's devices after being popularized on NeXT machines in 1988.
  • OCaml, Objective Caml. 1996 by INRIA. ML-derived, functional and imperative language on a virtual machine. Extends Caml.
  • Objective Modula 2. 2006. Combination of Objective-C, Smalltalk and Modula 2.
  • Obliq. Derived from Oberon for distributed processing.
  • Occam. 1983. (occam-π). Concurrent based on the CSP principle.
  • Octave. 1988. Interpreted, for numerical computation.
  • ooc. 2009. C-like, object oriented, compiles to C.
  • Opa. 2011. Server-side or client-side, compiled to JavaScript.
  • Opal. (OPtimized Applicative Language). University of Berlin. Functional algebraic language, introduced monads, then called 'commands'.
  • OpenEdge ABL. OpenEdge Advanced Business Language. 1984. English-like syntaxe and OO with DB management commands.
  • OPL, Open Programming Langage. 1984. BASIC-like for Symbian OS.
  • OPS5, Official Production System 5. Rule-based, use an inference engine, written in BLISS.
  • Orc. 2004 by University of Texas. A language for distributed and concurrent programming, working through sites. May be used for Web scripting.
  • Oz. 1991. Multi-paradigm: imperative, functional, logics, constraints, OO, distributed and concurrent.


  • Pascal, after the name of a French mathematician. 1968-71, by Nicklaus Wirth. The syntax encourage structured programming.
  • PBASIC. 1992. Version of BASIC for microcontrollers.
  • Perl. 1987 by Larry Wall. Interpreted, dynamic for scripting, its murky syntax let it called 'read-only language'.
  • PHP, Personal Home Page Hypertext Processor. 1995 by Rasmus Lerdof. PHP 5 in 2004. PHP 6 in 2007. Server-side scripting and web page generator.
  • Pico. 1997. Minimalistic to learn programming concepts to students in other fields.
  • Picture. 2015 par la MIT. Probabilistic language for image recognition.
  • Pike. 1994. C-like, interpreted, dynamic, OO, with advanced data type. May be used to learn C.
  • PILOT, Programmed Instruction, Learning, or Teaching. 1968. First steps in CAI.
  • PL-11. 1971. OO for PDP 11.
  • PL/0. 1976. By Niklaus Wirth, simplified version of Pascal for education.
  • PL/B, Programming Language for Business, formerly DATABUS. 1970+. Alternative to COBOL, compiled to bytecode.
  • PL/C. 1970+. Subset of PL/1 for teaching programming.
  • PL/I. 1964 by IBM. Programming Language One. Procedural for numerical and industrial processing.
  • PL/M, Programming Language for Microcomputers. 1972 by Gary Kildall. High-level language for Intel's microprocessors.
  • Planner. 1969. To add logical processing to a procedural language. Subsets have been implemented.
  • Plankalkül. Trad: formal system for planning. 1948 by Konrad Zuse.
  • POP-2. 1970. Successor of POP-1 and followed by POP-11. Functional, inspired by Lisp and ALGOL 60.
  • POV-Ray. Graphic language for the raytracer.
  • Processing. 2001. C-like, for creating images and interactive animations.
  • Prograph. 1983 by Acadia University. Visual language with symbolic icons.
  • Prolog. 1972 by Alain Colmerauer. Logic programming, in declarative form.
  • Proteus, PROcessor for TExt Easy to USe. 1988. Functional for string processing.
  • P-TAC. 1989. Parallel language.
  • Pure. 2008. Functional interpreted (through LLVM) language based on term rewriting.
  • Purescript. 2011. Functional language statically typed, compile to JavaScript.
  • Python. 1991 by Guido van Rossum. Scripting interpreted or compiled language.


  • Q. 2003. Inspired by APL, array processing language for financial apps.
  • QuakeC. Version of C for the Quake game.
  • QPL, Quantum Programming Languages. Set of languages for quantum computers.
  • QML, Qt Modeling Language. 2009. Declarative language to design user interfaces, similar to JavaFX, for Qt.
  • Quorum. 2012. Object oriented, extensible language which aims to be clean and easy for beginners. Compile to JVM.


  • R. 1993. Language and environment for statistical computation and graphics. Derived from the S language it is similar to Scheme.
  • R++. 1998 by Bell Labs. Rule-based version of C++.
  • Racket. 1994. Lisp-like designed to be developped by the programmer.
  • Ratfiv. Pun from Ratfor (four) and Rat five. 1980+. Version of Ratfor with C-like features.
  • Ratfor, Rational Fortran. 1975 by Brian Kernighan. Preprocessor for Fortran.
  • rc. 1989 by Bell Labs. Plan9 command language shell, ported further to Unix.
  • Rebol, Relative Expression Based Object Language. 1997. Dynamic language with numerous predefined types. Version 3.0 is open source in 2012.
  • Red. 2011. Similar to Rebol, but compiled and open source from the beginning.
  • Refal, REcursive Functions Algorithmic Language. 1968. Functional, goal-oriented pattern matching. The basic data structure is a tree.
  • RPG, Report Program Generator. 1959 by IBM. Query tool extended in a programming language similar to event-driven. Main versions are RPG II, RPG III, RPG/400, RPG IV.
  • RPL, ROM-based Procedural Language. 1984 by HP. Language for calculators similar to Forth.
  • Rexx, REstructured eXtended eXecutor. 1979 by Mike Cowlishaw. Designed for IBM OS scripting but ported on other platforms.
  • RLaB. 2000. Alternative to MATHLAB with a simpler syntax.
  • RSL, Robot Scripting Language. 2002 by Microsoft. For the game Robot Battle.
  • Ruby. 1995 by Yukihiro Matsumoto. Follows a 'principle of least surprise', each thing must be intuitive. Multi-paradigm, object oriented for scripting and web apps.
  • Rust, red hair in old English. 2006. Concurrent language by Mozilla Labs inspired of C and LLJS and improved for safety. Alternative to Go, LLVM based.


  • S. 1976. Bell Laboratories, John Chamber. Statistical language. Replaced by R.
  • S-algol, St Andrews Algol. 1979 by University of St-Andrews (Scotland). Simplified and improved version of ALGOL-60.
  • Sail. Stanford Artificial Intelligence Language. 1970. Based on an associative memory or records, events, contexts.
  • SAM76. 1970+. Macro language for CP/M.
  • SAS. 1972. For statistical reports and analysis. Produces HTML or PDF documents.
  • SASL, St. Andrews Standard Language. 1972. Implementation of ISWIM.
  • Sather, after the Jane Sather tower. 1990 by Berkeley. Based on Eiffel but evolved with new feature such as functional programming, classes, iterators.
  • Sawzall. 2003. By Rob Pike at Google to manage log data of its servers.
  • Scala. 2003 by Martin Odersky. To write concise code Java compatible. Implements many new concepts.
  • Scheme. 1975 by MIT. Dialect of Lisp and ALGOL with a simple design.
  • Scratch. 2007. Educational language developed by MIT consisting of blocks to be assembled. The same principle was used for the OpenBlocks Java library.
  • Scriptol. 2001 Object oriented and designed to be intuitive and improve productivity, it integratges reactive and imperative programming. Interpreted or compiled to JavaScript, C++ or PHP.
  • Sed, Stream EDitor. 1974 by Bell Labs. Text processing.
  • Seed7. 2005. Similar to Pascal and ADA, extensible syntax.
  • Self. 1993. OO prototype based like Smalltalk, uses a JIT.
  • SETL, SET Language. 1967-1969. Has inspired ABC, predecessor of Python, and transmitted the idea of tuples.
  • Short Code. 1949. Precursor of programming languages.
  • Simit. 2016. By the MIT to replace Matlab and work on graphs or physical simulations, similar to Julia with graph structures.
  • Simula. 1962. Superset of ALGOL 60. Simula 67 introduced classes and inheritance, virtual methods, coroutines.
  • SISAL. Streams and Iteration in a Single Assignment Language. 1983. Pascal-like, functional, for numerical computations.
  • Slip, Symmetric LIst Processor. 1960+, list processor to fortran and other programming languages.
  • Smalltalk. 1972 by Alan Kay and others. OO, dynamic and reflexive, inspired other languages as Objective-C.
  • SNOBOL. 1962. Snobol 3 (1965), 4 (1966). Based mainly on pattern-matching. SPITPOL (SPeedy ImplemenTation of snobOL) is a compiled version of SNOBOL for IBM 360.
  • SOAP, Symbolic Optimal Assembly Program. 1957. IBM 650 assembly language.
  • Snowball, imitates SNOBOL. 2001. String processing, stemming algorithms, compiled to C or Java.
  • SPARK. 1983. ADA-like, for secure systems.
  • SP/k. 1974. Subset of PL/I, used for teaching.
  • SPL, Shakespeare Programming Language. 1993. Humorous.
  • Squeak. 1996. Dialect of Smalltalk.
  • Squirrel. 2003. C-like, for scripting embedded in a C or C++ app.
  • SR, Synchronizing Resources. Old concurrent language.
  • S/SL, Syntax/Semantic Language. 1980. University of Toronto. For code generators.
  • Standard ML. 1990. Derived from ML. Functional, type inference.
  • Subtext. 2001. Experimental visual PL.
  • SuperCollider. 1996. Interpreted, OO for real time audio synthesis and algorithmic composition.
  • SuperX++. 2001. XML language.
  • Swift. 2014. By Apple for its OS in the goal to replace Objective-C by a safer and faster language. Another language has the same name.
  • Synergy/DBL. Language for the development environment Synergy/DE.


  • T. 1980+. A version of Scheme.
  • TACL,Tandem Advanced Command Language. 1974. Scripting language used by Hewlett-Packard on servers.
  • TACPOL, Tactical Procedure Oriented Language. Before 1977. Implementation of PL/I, was used by US army.
  • TADS, Text Adventure Development System. 1988. A language to make games.
  • TAL, Transaction Application Language. System language, cross between C and Pascal, for Tandem computers.
  • Transcript. Voir Revolution.
  • Tcl, Tool Command Language. 1988 by John Ousterhout. Tk is an associated graphical toolkit.
  • TELCOMP. 1965. Derived from JOSS, conversationnal language used on PDP computers until 1974. Influenced Mumps.
  • Tempo. Declarative, logic, and concurrent.
  • Titanium. 2005. Dialect of Java, parallel, for scientific computing.
  • TI-BASIC. 1996. BASIC-like language for Texas Instrument calculators.
  • TOM. 1990+. OO with dynamic extensible classes.
  • TRAC, Text Reckoning And Compiling. 1960+. Macro-oriented for text processing.
  • TTCN-3, Testing and Test Control Notation. For communication systems control.
  • Turing. 1982. Pascal-like, derived from Euclid.
  • TUTOR. 1965. CAI programming language.
  • TypeScript. 2012. Superset to JavaScript by Microsoft, with static types, classes and modules. Compiled to JavaScript. Open source under Apache license.
  • TXL, Turing eXtender Language. 1988. Derived from Turing above.


  • Ubercode. 2005. Commercial, cross between Eiffel and BASIC.
  • UNCOL, Universal Computer Oriented Language. 1958 by Melvin E. Conway. First concept for an intermediate language for a virtual machine.
  • Unicon. Unified Extended Dialect of Icon. 1996. Based on Icon with OO, access to the system.
  • UnrealScript. 1998. Scripting the Unreal engine for games.
  • UrbiScript. 2003. Robot programming language.
  • UML, Unified Modeling Language. 1994 by Rational Software. Visual programming language, ISO standard.


  • Verilog HDL, Verilog Hardware Description Language. 1990.
  • VHDL, VHSIC Hardware Description Language. 1980+.
  • VDS. Visual DialogScript. 1995. Interpreted to build interfaces on Windows.
  • Visual Basic. 1991 by Microsoft. Version OO and improved of BASIC.
  • Visual Basic .NET. 2001. Successor to Visual Basic 6.0, runs on .NET.
  • VBScript, Visual Basic Script Edition.1996 by Microsoft. Lighweight and interpreted version of Visual Basic for Windows.
  • VTL, VTL-2, Very Tiny Language. 1976. Minimal language stored in less than 1 K byte ROM of the Altair 680B and 8800.


  • Water. For prototyping XML web services.
  • Whitespace. 2003. Actually a joke, an 'esoteric' programming language, with a real interpreter.
  • Winbatch. 1991. Scripting language for Windows.
  • Wiring. 2003. Development plateform and C-like language dedicated to electronics.
  • WLanguage. 1992. Generator of applications, influenced by BASIC and Pascal
  • Wolfram. 2013. Based to knowledge processing, it combines several paradigms to achieve greater flexibility in automatic processing.
  • Wyvern, name of mythical creature. 2014 by Carnegie Mellon University. Interpreted and compiled for secure apps.


  • X10. 2004. By IBM for the PERCS project. Aims at performances on large sites with structured parallelism.
  • XOTcl, Extended Object Tcl. Object oriented version of TCL with mixins.
  • XPL. 1968. Derived from PL/I, for compiler writing.
  • XL, eXtensible Language. 2000. Implements 'concept programming'. Any program can reconfigure its syntax.
  • Xtend. 2011 by the Eclipse Foundation to ease Java, makes improvements, such as removing semicolons, a powerful switch as in Scriptol. Compiles to Java code.


  • YAFL. 1990+. A version of Modula-2.
  • Yorick. 1996. Interpreted language for scientific calculations and simulations.


  • Z Notation. 1977. Visual specification of programs like UML.
  • Zig. 2016. Humorous language designed like a parody of Rust.
  • ZPL, Z-level Programming Language. Parallel for scientific and engineering computations.
  • ZOPL, Version Z, Our Programming Language. 1970+. Similar to C and Pascal, for mainframes.

Markup languages and data formats

  • CFML, ColdFusion Markup Langage. 1995 by Adobe. Scriptin of Web apps running on JVM and .NET.
  • EmotionML. 2013. An XML dialect for representing emotions, by the W3C..
  • HTML, HyperText Markup Language. 1991 bys Tim Berners-Lee. Based on SGML.
  • JSON Patch. Standard proposed by IETF for actions on a JSON document.
  • PostScript. 1982 by Adobe. Langage of graphic vectors, often used for document publishing.
  • Protocol Buffers. 2008 by Google. Format of document serialization on textual files, similar to JSON. FlatBuffer is a faster binary version.
  • RDF, Resource Description Framework. 1999 by W3C. Format to store information with metadata.
  • SGML, Standard Generalized Markup Language. 1969 by IBM. Precusort to XML for human readable data storage.
  • SVG, Scalable Vector Graphic. 2001 by W3C. XML-based vector format for 2D graphics, supported by browsers.
  • Tex. Text formatting.
  • XAML. eXtensible Application Markup Language.
  • XBL. eXtensible Bindings Language. For widget creating in Xml based languages.
  • Xforms. Web graphical interactive user interface.
  • XML. eXtensible Markup Language.
  • XUL. XML-based User interface Language.

Query or database oriented languages

  • Andl. 2015. A new DataBase query language which is not SQL. He wants to store more logic in the database and simplify the queries. Implemented on PostgreSQL.
  • AQL, Aerospike Query Language. 2012. Simple language but more evolved than SQL for the Aerospike DBM.
  • Aubit-4GL. See Informix.
  • D. 1994. Abstract relational language, implemented in D4 written in C#. Tutorial D is a teaching version.
  • Dataflex. 1980. Database programming language.
  • dBase. 1979. First database programming language on personal computer (Apple II and IBM PC).
  • GraphQL. 2015. Created by Facebook to simplify queries instead of SQL. They takes the form of a JavaScript object.
  • Hypertalk. 1987. Card language for Apple.
  • Informix-4GL. 4GL means for fourth generation specialized language. Informix is specialized in databases and reports.
  • pl/SQL. SQL extension.
  • SQL, Structured Query Language. 1987 by IBM. Most commonly used query language.
  • Visual Foxpro. 1984. Derived from dBase. Owned by Microsoft, replaced by LightSwitch.

See also
  • Hello world in any programming language. The minimal program in all languages and formats.
  • History of programming languages.
  • List of .NET languages.

List Of Languages


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[en Español]

Anyone can learn a new language. Some people find it easier than others, but all of us can do it. Learn more about becoming bilingual.

On this page:

Children can learn to speak more than one language. They can learn languages at home, at school, or in the community. Some children can speak both languages easily. But sometimes they know one language better than the other. The language your child knows better is her dominant language. Over time, the dominant language may change. For example, a child who speaks Spanish at home may start to use English when she starts school. Her dominant language could change from Spanish to English.

Speaking two languages is like any other skill. You need a lot of practice to do it well. Without practice, your child will have a harder time using both languages.

Teaching Your Child To Be Bilingual

There are a number of ways to teach your child to speak more than one language. You can:

  • Use two languages from the start. Many children grow up learning two languages at the same time.
  • Use only one language at home. Your child can learn the second language when he starts school.
  • Give your child many chances to hear and practice both languages during the day.

Learning More Than One Language

Every bilingual child is unique. Learning two languages depends on the amount and type of practice your child gets. The following are some basic guidelines:

  • Most bilingual children speak their first words by the time they are 1 year old. By age 2, most children can use two-word phrases. Phrases like 'my ball' or 'more juice' can be in one or both languages.
  • From time to time, children may mix grammar rules. They might use words from both languages in the same sentence. This is a normal part of becoming bilingual.
  • Some children may not talk much when they start using a second language. This “silent period” can last for several months. Again, this is normal and will go away.

Ways To Help Your Child Become Bilingual

All Languages In Alphabetical Order

  • Books. You can read to your child in both languages. You can find the books you need at bookstores, at libraries, and on the Internet.
  • Music. Singing is a great way to introduce a second language to your child. And, it can be a lot of fun!
  • TV and videos. Children’s programs are available in many languages. These programs teach children about numbers, letters, colors, and simple words.
  • Language programs. Children can learn other languages at camps or in bilingual school programs. These give children the chance to use two languages with other children.

Talking With Your Child

Your child might have trouble using both languages. In this case, talk to your child in the language you know best. You should do this even if your child uses a different language at school. A good language model gives your child the skills he needs to learn other languages. But try not to make a sudden change in your child’s routine. This can be stressful.

Remember, children all over the world learn more than one language all the time. Learning another language will not cause or worsen speech or language problems. Bilingual children develop language skills just as other children do.

If your child starts having trouble in both languages, he may need help from a speech-language pathologist, or SLP. To find a speech-language pathologist near you, visit ProFind.

Other Resources

Languages That Start With The Letter S

This list does not include every website on this topic. ASHA does not endorse the information on these sites.

Dying Languages In The World

  • Bilingual Language Development (YouTube video)
  • Can Special Needs Kids be Bilingual? (YouTube video)
  • ¡ Colorín Colorado! (bilingual website for educators and families)
  • Myths About Bilingual Children (YouTube video)

Languages That Begin With S

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