Wartune Loki

Merge sylph guide :) Thanks to Rando Tünder

All sylphs need be max aptitude before fusion
All sylphs need 60k balens or bound balens or 1 fusion spirit(1k fusion chy)

You still can't upgrade Loki but you can convert it to Odin without Balens.Krishna http://wartune.dolygames.com/sylph-loki-conversion-to-odin/.

Freya orange fusion wind + water
1 orange triton water
1 orange medusa wind
500 sun core
500 blast of sun
300 wind and water emblem

Wartune loki to odin
  • Loki disaster so it looks like im the only moron to make this pointless sylph. So after being stupid and spending the $ it wont refine into odin cuz when u try to add it to refine box its a dead click. Also u cant add adv sep/mahra cuz it shows its maxed w/ reg sep/mahra so u cant even make it stronger. So since I ve been trying for 2 weeks to.
  • Wartune: Loki and Odin Long-term goals are always important in any game, and that was a strong aspect of Wartune. I always had long-term goals. Building up two red sylph and then merging them into a kickass Odin sylph seemed a truly grand, epic long-term goal, and I liked it when I read about the first time.
  • Astral gathering is unlocked at Level 25. In astral gathering, you can spend an amount of gold to obtain one random astral. Each astral gathered may also unlock the next astro, allowing you to collect a better astral from it. Every astral gathered also grants one or more Star Points, which can be used to buy special astrals. Once you gather an astral, you can choose to sell, synthesize,.

Frigga red fusion wind + water
1 red goddess of prosperity wind
1 red poseidon water
1000 sun core
1000 blast of sun
500 wind and water emblem

Freya orange fusion Frigga red
5000 moon rock
5000 moon dust
750 wind and water emblem
50 million gold

Tyre orange fusion fire + electro
1 orange hercules electro
1 orange cerberus fire
500 sun core
500 blast of sun
300 fire and electro emblem

Thor red fusion fire + electro
1 red ares fire
1 red zeus electro
1000 sun core
1000 blast of sun
500 fire and electro emblem

Tyre orange fusion Thor red
5000 moon rock
5000 moon dust
750 fire and electro emblem
50 million gold

Loki orange fusion light + dark
1 orange gaia dark
1 orange athena light
500 sun core
500 blast of sun
500 light and dark emblem

Odin red fusion light + dark
1 red hecate dark
1 red venus light
1000 sun core
1000 blast of sun
750 light and dark emblem

Loki orange fusion Odin red
5000 moon rock
5000 moon dust
1000 light and dark emblem
50 million gold

Long-term goals are always important in any game, and that was a strong aspect of Wartune. I always had long-term goals. Building up two red sylph and then merging them into a kickass Odin sylph seemed a truly grand, epic long-term goal, and I liked it when I read about the first time.WartuneWartune loki

Sadly, when we got the details, the whole thing became pretty disappointing.

LokiFirst of all, the price. 60.000 balens, which is 600 USD. An insane price for a few digital pixels, and as someone pointed out, 20 times more as in the Chinese version. But we are used to getting things at ridiculous prices, paid mindlessly by the whales. And, after a while, it became cheaper, then it is given as a recharge gift, and even later you could get it completely free. But in this case, this will be pretty difficult. Because it's not an item you buy, its a fixed balen cost. Hard to change without loss of face, and without angering those (very few) who paid it. Still, I hope that one day this price reduction will happen. Either they change the price, or allow bound balens (although it's still too much), or give back 50.000 balen as bonus upon purchase, or simply give out free or cheaper Loki seals. So I did not give up on this long-term goal yet. But the 60.000 balen I willl never pay.

OdinSadly, Loki / Odin has other flaws too. When you make the merge, the new sylph will inherit random skills from the previous ones. You might lose all important skills and retain only useless ones! And after that, you have only one choice: start buying skills, and hope they overwrite the right skill. In other words, gamble - with 150 USD skills! This is as unacceptable as the 600 USD price. So reducing the price is not enough to make this sylph appealing: they must reduce skill costs too, and, for god's sake, finally allow players to delete sylph skills.

And sadly, the drawbacks do not end here. The main question is, if the new sylph will be stronger, and how. Sylph statistics are calculated by multiplying together their base stats (strength, armor etc) with the 'aptitudes' (the green bars you improve by spending sepulcrum) x 0.0018. After transformation, the maximum of the aptitudes do not change. Since you already needed a maxed out Loki / Odin, you will not be able to spend any more advanced sepu after the transformation (unless you tranform Loki to Odin). However, the base stats for Odin increase. So your Odin will be still stronger (but Loki not). But there is a catch. Loki / Odin is a MATK / PATK sylph. So you have to increase BOTH stats. And this is true not only for the base stats: you have to divide between MATK and PATK on equipment, both in refine and divinity souls. So what you win on higher base stats, you will lose on using both MATK and PATK. Still, the new sylph will be stronger: but not as much as you hoped for.

There are 2 ways to make Odin. One is to make 2 red sylph with max aptitude. The cost to make a second sylph red is like 20.000 advanced mahra (this is just a guess, can be more), and at least 10.000 advanced sepulcrum.
Or, you can make 2 orange sylphs into a Loki, then advance it into an Odin, at the cost of 5000 moon rock, 5000 moon dust and 1000 emblem of dark & light, and then raise it to red. (So effectively, you have to build only one red sylph).
With all discounts and gift packs, you can get adv. sepu / mahra as low as 10 balen / piece. So this would be an additional 300.000 balen cost if you make Odin from 2 red. This compares to the 5000 moon rock and dust (cost a total of 1000 event chest in last promotion, 30.000 balens) and 1000 emblems (cost another 1000 event chests, 30.000 balens), which is 'only' 60.000.
So obviously, upgrading to Loki and then to Odin is a much better way than building 2 red sylph first then making them Odin. Still just making Loki and not upgrading to Odin will get you only a useless sylph.

Wartune Loki

Wartune How To Make A Loki

Wartune Loki To Odin

Of course, these prices are still ridiculous. But you can start gathering moon rock, moon dust, emblem of light & dark from free events, so when they reduce the price finally, then you have the components.... If that ever happens. But, as I said, I like long term goals.